Tuesday, March 01, 2011

it's not just simply a market

The stand might look simple, the smile on my face showing 'ahhhhhhhhhhh' but there is a lot of effort that goes into preparing for a market day.  That continual monkey speak in your head....

"will I have enough stock? will the weather hold, will people stop to take a look and get a least one sale!".

The answer is a resounding YES, YES (sort of) and YES.
Amongst a lot of activity. The weather was not kind and the sign got washed out (literally). Note to self: a paper-based sign is not the way to go.

I must thank Carlie at Towradgi Beach Hotel for pushing me into 'my first market!' Thanks girl.

There are more to come.

There were some amazing people that stopped to have a chat, browse and of course buy. A dear friend's mum, Helen was my first sale (thanks a million), a young designer, a talented florist to a wonderful advertising guru and a great bestie came along.  So.... the audience is endless.

I simply cannot leave you all without thanking my sister for coming down a night early and helping with all the stuff. She was a hoot, very energetic, gift of the gab and even threw in a couple of compliments (not used to that and blushed a lot).

Finally a HUGE thank you to all the friends that offered support leading up to the day and put up with all my blah blah about it all.

'til next time. xop


Unknown said...

pip - congratulations. your work is beautiful. love miss jojo xxx

blondie said...

Thanks a million jojo. You're a star. xx