Tuesday, March 08, 2011

a strong partnership

8 years on I feel the same way about my guy. Now it's a little early to be putting up a anniversary post so I'm just saying that life is better when we are together.
It's noble to say you have strength to handle the good and the bad but it's the bottom of the barrel moments that count and how you handle those with aplomb. It's those amazing crazy funny times that you can throw your head back and laugh so hard that you think you'll explode.  It's seeing the great faces of your children and know that they are hopefully the best combination of the two of you.

Are we strong? you bet! and loving every minute now, tomorrow and more.

'til next post. xo p


Unknown said...

nice.... miss pip, you are so wise!!

blondie said...

Thank you ney. I do call my life journey a work-in-progress and a little like clay it can change any moment. xxx